Before applying, check that the mandible cups, located on each side of the collar arms, are in their full back position
Place Dyna Airway Collar behind the patient’s neck. If there are two care givers one immobilises the head while the other applies the product
Find the patient’s mandibles with your fingers and place both mandible cups on the patient’s mandibles
Secure the strap with its hook while placing the Chin Holder on the patients chin and gently pull on the adjustment strap to fasten the chin holder
Close the collar lock across the patient’s chest and thread the plastic lead into its mount
Tighten the chin holder by pulling the strap
To open patient’s Airway, perform jaw thrust maneuver by pushing the mandible levers forward
To release the mandibles and allow the jaw to return to its position, access the levers through the opening titles” Lift to unlock”, and lift the bars on both sides of the collar while pushing the levers backwards
Patient can now be safely transported to the hospital. If intubation is needed, loosen the chin holder cup, without removing the collar. After intubation fasten back the chin holder if needed.